Welcome to the British German Club Duisburg.
A British-German club is part and parcel of a large German town with cosmopolitan aspirations in the 21st Century, we are sure you will agree. Yet, as a number of German "Britophiles", i.e. friends of the British Isles, and British and American ex-pat locals had repeatedly remarked for some time, there was neither a British-German club nor anything similar in Duisburg. As a result, we decided to find out the extent of this demand and met at the "Lindenwirtin" (Duisburg-Kaiserberg -- near the zoo) on Thursday, 4 May 2006. Subsequently, the club was formed and has gone from stength to strength. It is registered in Duisburg as a non-profit charity in accordance with German legal and tax requirements as "Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg e. V.". Our meetings and events are attended by between 20 and 100 members, friends and guests. Approx. 200 members and friends are informed regularly about our activities by email. |
![]() Bob Clark, Des Jarvis and Robert Tonks preparing to set sail on board the Royal Raft "HMS Maid in Germany". (Check link for more) |
The general aim of the society is to promote German-British relations on a local and regional scale. Apart from meeting regularly, we have interesting talks and lectures by visiting and resident professionals, academics, dignitaries, politicians and/or "just" people from all walks of life. We involve the Duisburg Portsmouth Friends and St George's School, the University Duisburg-Essen, Volkshochschule (adult education centre) and local schools, plus organisations such as the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany and in general endeavour to incorporate existing activities. Finally, we watch and discuss presentations, films and drama productions.
Indeed, since 2006 we have developed a circle, deeply rooted in the region, that is void of party-political bonds and open to all age groups.
The regular meetings take place at Jedermann, Koloniestraße 99, 47057 Duisbug-Neudorf every first Thursday in a month. We also hold special events which are announced well in advance. Email is the main means of communication. The language spoken is English on the whole, with translation into German on request. We get by with as little red tape as possible.

Beim größten Drachenbootrennen der Welt in Duisburg schafft am 10. Juni 2017 die Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg zum 4. Mal in Folge den letzten Platz. Vorsitzender Robert Tonks nimmt die Urkunde von Oberbürgermeister Sören Link gern an. In seiner Ansprache hob OB Link hervor, dass bei uns der älteste Wettbewerbsteilnehmer mitgefahren ist: Rolf Heussler (88 J.). Rolf trägt das offizielle T-Shirt der Deutsch-Brtischen-Gesellschaft-Duisburg: "Nessi Hunters Duisburg".