About Us

We call our association the British-German Club Duisburg (officially listed as: Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg). In fact, we are open to anyone, regardless of nationality.
What ever your roots may be, we look forward to welcoming you to one of our meetings or events. So pop by, or join us regularly, for instance, for the opportunity to converse in English and take part in a variety of activities, ranging from talks on current affairs to contemporary and traditional cultural events and get-togethers. We are, of course, glad to embrace nationals from other English-speaking countries worldwide. People from all walks of life who either come to our city on a brief stay or to live here on a permanent base, attend the meetings of the British-German Club Duisburg. Why not come and have a look for yourself in order to both enjoy and add to the scope of activities our club has to offer.
For more detail, please consult our programme of events or contact us by email or telephone. We look forward to meeting you at the next opportunity. Incidentally, do not hesitate to bring friends and relatives with you either.
For a membership fee of 35 euros (status: February 2009) you not only have acccess to the members' room on this site but also get a reduction on the entrance tickets for events run by our society. It is worth joining the British-German Club Duisburg, registered in Germany as a non-profit charity as "Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Duisburg e.V.".